Pushkin’s Blog

Silversmiths Dumitru T. Silversmiths Dumitru T.

Important Silversmiths – Puiforcat

Founded in Paris in 1820 by Emile Puiforcat, the firm produced originally silver flatware and cutlery. At the end of the century Louis-Victor Puiforcat shifted the focus of the company to high-end silver pieces, especially reproductions of 18th Century masterpieces.

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Silversmiths Dumitru T. Silversmiths Dumitru T.

Important Silversmiths – Cardeilhac

The company was founded in 1804 by Antoine-Vital Cardeilhac, who specialised in silver tableware and cutlery in a fine Rococo style.

Soon, the firm gained notoriety participating to the International Fairs and winning a bronze medal in 1823 and the silver one in 1827 and 1834.

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Silversmiths Dumitru T. Silversmiths Dumitru T.

Important Silversmiths – Christofle

The story of the firm began in 1830 when Charles Christofle (1805 - 1863) arrived in Paris from Lyons to join his brother-in-law’s jewellery firm.

When his brother-in-law died in 1837, Charles took over the business which became, within a few years, one of the most successful and popular silver brands of the last two centuries.

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Silversmiths Dumitru T. Silversmiths Dumitru T.

Important Silversmiths – Joseph Angell & Family

The firm, founded in 1811 by Joseph Angell, is one of the most successful silver and jewellery manufacturers in the mid 19th Century.

After his apprenticeship to Henry Nutting, Joseph obtained his freedom in 1804. In 1811 he entered his first mark as a plate worker and registered his company at 55 Compton Street, Clerkenwell.

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Silversmiths Dumitru T. Silversmiths Dumitru T.

Important Silversmiths – Hester Bateman

Company founded in 1725

The firm Hennell Ltd is a long-lasting family business of silversmiths founded in 1725 by David Hennell (1712-1785). His son Robert Hennell I (1741-1811) joined the company in partnership in 1763 and became sole owner of the business after his father’s retirement. He was soon joined by his son Samuel Hennell (1778-1837) and his nephew Robert Hennell II.

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Dumitru T. Dumitru T.

Women Silversmiths

Until recent days, women had few rights especially in business and in the rare case they were allowed a professional career, they were by law subject to the control and domination of their husbands and relatives.

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