Important Silversmiths – Maison Aucoc

Although the firm Maison Aucoc was founded in 1877, its tradition comes from farther back, with Jean-Baptiste Casimir Aucoc, who started working in Paris in 1821 as a silversmith specialising in dressing and travelling cases. Aucoc participated to the French national exhibitions in 1827, 1839 and 1844. In 1851 he won a prize Medal at the Great World Exhibition in London.

In 1854 Casimir was succeeded by his son Louis who expanded the business obtaining royal appointments to King Louis Philippe I and Napoleon III.

Louis’ son, Louis junior, assumed the leadership of the business after his father’s retirement in the mid 1870s. In 1877 he purchased the jewellery firm Lobjois, changing its name to Maison Aucoc. The firm focused on Art Nouveau jewellery until 1900, when André (1856 - 1911), Louis’ younger brother, took over the company focusing again on silverware.

André died in Paris in 1911, and the company survived within the family until 1932, when even his brother Louis died.


Important Silversmiths – Christofle


Important Silversmiths – Tetard Freres