Important Silversmiths - Mappin & Webb

Mappin & Webb has been for over two centuries one of the most illustrious British manufacturing and retail silversmith company.

Jonathan Mappin opened his first silver workshop in 1775 in Sheffield, a major centre of the English silver market.

Soon his son Joseph followed him into business working mostly as an engraver. At Joseph’s death his sons took over the company, changing its name into Mappin Brothers. In 1846 they opened their first showroom in London at 15 Fore Street and the business started to expand. In 1850 John Mappin, one of Jonathan grandsons, retired from Mappin Brothers to open his own firm. In 1862 he was joined by his brother-in-law George Webb and the name of the company changed to Mappin & Webb. Mappin & Webb opened a new store in Oxford Street and their popularity grew rapidly and exponentially: they soon started receiving commissions from royalties both in United Kingdom and abroad.  In 1888 they created Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee necklace. Ten years later they received the royal warrant and still hold it nowadays.

In 1902 John Mappin acquired the original London firm Mappin Brothers, incorporating it in his company.

Several stores were opened worldwide: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Nice, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Cairo and Bombay.

The brand produced the original gold Ryder Cup for the renowned golf tournament and created silver trophies for the Royal Ascot for over 70 years. They supplied tableware and cutlery for the most prestigious international hotel and for the first class cabin on the Titanic.

Among their most memorable clients Mappin & Webb counts Marie Antoinette Queen of France,  the last Czar of Russia Nicholas II, Winston Churchill, Charles Dickens, Harry Houdini and Grace Kelly.

Although their factory in Sheffield was closed in 1971, the company is still active as a subsidiary of Sears Holding Ltd.


Important Silversmiths - James Charles Edington


Important Silversmiths - Jonathan Hayne