Sibray Hall & Co.

Sibray Hall & Co., a maker of fine Victorian silver tableware and centrepieces, was founded in 1878 in Sheffield by Frederick Sibray and Job Frank Hall. The company quickly gained a reputation for quality craftsmanship, leading the partners to open a showroom in London at 30 Ely Place, Holborn, in 1890. They also introduced their first hallmark, FS over JH.

Tragically, Frederick Sibray passed away prematurely in 1891, but Job Frank Hall chose to continue under the original company name. In 1893, he registered his own hallmark, JH. In 1898, Charles Clement Pilling joined the firm and subsequently registered his own hallmark, CCP, solidifying the company’s standing in the silver market.

When F.J. Hall retired in 1900, Pilling became the sole owner of the company. Sibray Hall & Co. continued to expand its influence, notably exhibiting its silverwork at the prestigious Jewellers Exhibition in London in 1912. The company’s pieces were lauded for their original designs and exceptional quality, as praised in the August issue of The Jeweller and Metalworker magazine, which celebrated their original designs and fine quality: ‘The outstanding features of the goods exhibited by this firm were the originality in their designs, the beautiful finish, and the general high class artistic taste displayed in their silverware. The firm specialise in table ware, dessert services, trophies, and shields, cups and bowls, and tea and coffee services, all of which they guarantee to produce from their own original and exclusive patterns. They will always be pleased to submit designs for any special presentation which is about to take place, and thus enable the retail trade to submit something that cannot be obtained elsewhere.