Pushkin’s Blog
Important Silversmiths - Jacob Tostrup
Jacob Ulrich Holfeldt Tostrup (1806 – 1890) is one of the best known Norwegian jewelers, silversmiths and goldsmiths. Tostrup was born in Norway to Nicolai Tostrup, an infantry captain, and his wife. He was the fourth of eight children. Between 1823 and 1828 he lived in Bergen, where he was apprenticed as a goldsmith
Important Silversmiths - Jonathan Hayne
Jonathan Hayne was a prolific English silversmith of the 19th century.
He was born in Clerkenwell, London, son of a surgeon. He apprenticed as a silversmith and started is career in 1810, entering his mark in partnership with Thomas Wallis, at 16 Red Lion Street in Clerkenwell. Six years later Wallis and Hayne dissolved their partnership and in 1821 Jonathan entered his own first mark.