Important Silversmiths - John Edward Terrey

John Edward Terrey was an important English silversmith producing mainly tableware and presentation pieces in Georgian and Victorian style. Apart from making very fine new pieces, he also used to recuperate antique silver by altering and rechasing it.

Unfortunately no record has been found about his early years and his apprenticeship. He entered is first mark at Goldsmiths Hall as a plateworker in 1814, together with Samuel Hennell. Two years later the partnership dissolved and Terrey entered his own mark as a plateworker (IET) keeping the same address: Foster Lane.

In 1819 Terrey moved to Hatton Garden were he stayed until 1852, when he moved to Lewisham, Kent. His death is recorded in 1859.

Today some of his artworks can be seen in important museums such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.


Important Silversmiths - Schleissner & Sohne


Important Silversmiths - Neresheimer & Sohne