Important Silversmiths - Georg Roth

Not much is known about Georg Roth and the history behind his name. He first worked for the Hanauer Silberwaren Manufaktur (1891-1906) and only used his own mark, a crowned GR for Georg Roth from 1906. Based in Hanau, Germany, not far from Frankfurt, Roth specialised in fine copies from the antique, in the most popular historical styles and  in particular French Rococo. 

Together with Neresheimer and Schleissner he contributed in creating a solid silver industry tradition in the city. His artworks show a very high quality and they often bare pseudo French marks in the Rococo style that they imitate. Festoons and medallions, ribbon tied laurel boughs and classical bacchanalian scenes are typical of his production.

Although the German law required a minimum silver content of 800/1000, Hanau silver pieces are often marked as 925 sterling silver. In fact, a large amount of Hanau silver was made to be exported to England of US, were the silver standards were higher.


Important Silversmiths - Jacob Tostrup


Important Silversmiths - David Andersen